Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • thesmileman
    Apr 30, 09:35 AM
    I asked but they won't tell me how many they have. They do have them already.

    I met with manager wants picure of me with him. We qre in an official line.

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  • Maccin475
    Oct 1, 02:15 PM
    Amoeba is an awful place to buy used CDs - any location.

    It's fine for vinyl and even new CDs releases, but the selection and prices are superior at any of the online places mentioned above - eBay, Amazon, Half.com and even SecondSpin.

    Yeah, Amoeba's used CD quality is quite sketchy. SecondSpin is decent or Rasputin.

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  • furryrabidbunny
    Sep 13, 01:29 AM
    Yeah, it should. And your statement isn't QUITE correct. There was PC1600. (Slower than PC2100,) but it was really unusual. By the time DDR became mainstream, PC2100 was the norm.
    sweet... then i am upping my ram to 384! these system is crippled. it wouldn't be so bad if it had dedicated video memory. I get horrible lag when trying to open calculater while firefox is open.

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  • barkomatic
    Apr 6, 09:53 AM
    Are "some people" your parents? It's relatively easy to fake a broken computer without actually harming it if you think about it -- but your request sounds sketchy to me.

    The new i5 13 inch MBP performs better at some games and worse at others when comparing them to the previous generation. It's a compromise Apple had to make with this generation in order to get the Sandy Bridge processors. If gaming is important to you and money is tight I'd go for a PC with discrete graphics.


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  • digital1
    Oct 30, 03:58 PM
    LOL. I meant that to joke dude. But This should give apple some kick....

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  • Young Spade
    Apr 14, 11:53 PM
    Unfortunately i would go ahead and say to see if you could get a new macbook. Of course you should bring it to an Apple store and see how much it would be to get them to fix it... if it isn't too much I'd get it fixed but... the MBPs are really nice.


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  • Lollypop
    Apr 11, 01:02 AM
    A lot of linux ditros work without a graphics card, problem is you might need embedded hardware that is designed to work without a graphics card.

    Cheapest way to build a headless pc is to get a cheap ass dell (yes, i know im sorry!!! :( ) with cheap ass integrated graphics, cofigure the machine, and then once its up and running to allocate less memory to the graphics card and more to the OS to increase performance.

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  • Glial
    Jan 17, 07:25 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    The iLidz Personal Media Viewer was previewed at Macworld, promising "a large screen viewing experience at a fraction of the cost."

    Simply insert your iPhone into the iLidz media viewer, look through the magnifying glass and adjust until focused. Voila. Hands free viewing. I can't say I necessarily felt like I was looking at a large screen, I suppose being hands free while watching a movie could be useful.

    Article Link (http://www.macrumors.com/2008/01/17/ilidz-personal-media-viewer/)

    What kind of movie would you be watching where it would be useful to be hands free? :p


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  • tersono
    Apr 4, 01:13 AM
    I'd consider upgrading. The 8600m is something of a timebomb and is likely to fail at some point.

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  • nicname
    Apr 15, 06:17 AM
    Speck SeeThru Satin is made out of 2 materials (TPE and PC) and Incase snap is a PC case.

    PC=hard plastic.

    is TPE that rubber found around bumper cases?


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  • Phobophobia
    Apr 8, 06:59 PM
    I really hope the shortage doesn't last much longer, this may just end up being the longest one in history for game consoles :/

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  • chaos86
    Mar 29, 05:00 PM
    1) build computer with head
    2) set it up to start a vnc server on startup so you can control it's screen from another computer, in case you want to do something on it without getting another screen out.
    3) start it folding
    4) decapitate


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  • Wicked1
    Feb 11, 07:27 AM
    Has anyone had a Mini with the 2.0 Ghz Core 2 Duo CPU with 4 GB ram and now has the newer 2.66 Mini?

    I am trying to see since I am selling my uMB 2.4 if I should also sell my 2.0 Mini from 2009 and just get a new 2.66 loaded with 4GB, not concerned with the HDD as I will get a 128SSD and use an external HDD for Data.

    Just trying to see if I will notice a big difference especially since it will be my sole Mac?

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  • greenbreadmmm
    Feb 15, 02:27 PM
    not necessarily an already existing specific product just something general like milk or coffee. its a pretty wide open project. just trying to see what others might think.

    but yes the packaging and the labeling


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  • mBox
    May 5, 02:04 PM
    Yes, everybody would like to know more, but what's another month?
    I've already decided that unless by some miracle FCP X can really replace my FCP 7 workflow straight out of the box in June (highly unlikely), I'm not buying it until it truly can, even if it's only $300. I'm sure the post houses feel the same way...Its a no brainer for me. Ill buy it so I can at least start at ground floor. It wont take me away from Avid/FCP at work but I will at least have a head-start in case the school I teach at gets it for Fall classes.
    Now as far as dropping it into a real world workflow, Id wait a bit.
    Ive learned to not get caught up on the hype thanks to companies such as Adobe :P
    Ill let the million plus beta-testers deal with it before I move to another CS blah blah blah :P

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  • maccompaq
    Apr 19, 09:35 AM
    A big problem with the big megapixels is the amount of storage they take on your phone. You cannot adjust the megapixel size down with a phone camera like you can with a point & shoot camera. A 16 megapixel camera in a phone will not give you a better picture than a 5 megapixel camera in a phone. A phone just does not have the room to install a quality sensor.


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    Nov 16, 12:26 PM
    no. but if you want better 'sound quality' then use a higher quality compresion (192 kbps instead of 128 kbps it makes a difference and sounds MUCH better than the 96 kbps that some mp3 players compress at). with 40 GB or the new 60 GB photo iPod availble you should have plenty of room for a better compresion.

    I always rip to the highest compression rate, or uncompressed.. My problem with the ipod was that at loud volumes it distorted. The problem is with the signal-to-noise ratio on the device..

    I'll look into the JBL Creatures... But I think I'm going to have a hard time replacing my THX 2.1 Klipsch speakers. I'm going to see how good they look alongside my mac.. I dont know if you guys have heard these speakers before, but they are amazing!

    Thanks for the suggestions.

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  • katielb
    Oct 20, 10:03 PM
    I'm interested in finding out how early some people will be going to wait outside the Apple store. I've never waited for a release on anything before, so this is all very new to me... haha.

    I still remember walking through a mall the day the iPhone was released and just being in awe at the lines and lines of people I saw.

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  • firestarter
    Feb 22, 03:45 PM
    blevins321, those are nice photos, good subject matter and exposure - but I would classify them as snapshots rather than stock or competition grade pictures.

    Composition: All four photos have the subject placed directly in the middle of the image - it's very matter-of-fact, and not interesting to the eye.
    Attention to detail: For stock or competition you can't have mistakes in your images. The cheetahs are missing their tails, the deer seems to have only one horn (or something odd going on with it's ear), two of the camels are missing rear feet - and I can see the top of a landrover over the next hill.
    Finish: To take pictures to the next level you have to do some post processing to make sure brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpness are all good. These images could all do with some work.

    I don't want to put you off - you're enthusiastic about your photography, which is great. Why not start entering photo competitions (plenty of photo forums online that do competitions) so that you can get feedback to help you improve? Also try to look at your pictures a lot more critically.

    Apr 24, 12:30 AM
    They CANNOT be compared. Two totally different IEM's. Two totally different prices.

    Exactly. I was pointing out that Ajays Four are nowhere near high end, by comparing them to something high end.

    May 4, 09:26 AM
    I just installed the Intel 320 (120 GB) and I must say that I'm amazed.. No set-up besides the TRIMenabler patch

    That's great news!

    Did you get the OEM or Retail version? I'm ordering the OEM version, but I don't know if I'll be missing any screws or anything.

    (I don't need the cables to clone my drive - I'm gonna migrate my data files using Time Machine.)


    Feb 5, 04:47 AM
    I just had to post to tell everyone how much I love this thing. How can anyone live with a one button mouse?

    I has three buttones on the left side of the mouse for your thumb. I have these set for one to go forward/next/page down and one to go backward/previous/page up and then the middle one to flip between pages that are open within one application. Makes browsing macrumors and multiple threads fast especially with the scroll wheel on the top.

    And then you can click the scroll whell, I have that programed for expose to only show the desktop.

    And then wait, still two more buttons. One of the buttons on the scroll wheel I have programmed to expose all windows and the other to show all the windows in one application. What is that like 6 buttons?

    Sep 29, 09:47 PM
    Also if u go through the menu's at the end it will also show the pic with a man using a powerbook and displaying it on tv.

    I remember a couple of months ago somebody posted this same pic but a larger version of it. Nobody seemed to know what it ment until now.

    Feb 17, 07:24 PM
    I think I saw that house in a documentary somewheres - sort of ugly and nothing at all special... who cares?

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